Liquid Design Studio - The Definition of Web Design

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Liquid Design Studio was founded in 1996, by Aaron, Owner and CEO. Starting with simple page designs and coordinating hosting and domain name additions, in companion to the still developing Internet and lack of interest, it was slow going.

In 1997, was born and instead of small word-of-mouth contacts, it grew into a larger business requiring more time and effort. To facilitate the rapidly evolving Internet and the almost-sudden frenzy surrounding it, Liquid Design Studio had to expand its grasp on it. What began as a small HTML factory grew into what is now today a graphic designing, CGI writing, media producing, and yes, still HTML creating, on-line business!

Today, with Liquid Design Studio, one can create a homepage and web site of notable quality and functionality. If you are looking to sell goods on-line to a showcase of your quartet's latest recording, we can design and implement your site for you. We are even more than happy to show you how you can make changes and access it yourself!

In fact, the web today has become much more than simple text with a few graphics strewn about. The incorporation of animation and sound as well as the ability to run your entire office off the web has become a reality... one to which Liquid Design Studio can take you.


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Liquid Design Studio
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